Thursday, May 3, 2007

GOP Debate Tonight

MSNBC hosts the first Republican Primary Debate, from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The debate is on at 8PM EDT.

In this early debate, I would look for everyone to be rusty. McCain should be in good form, as he is a legislator and debator for a living. Only the most die-hard politicos will be watching tonight. If the Democrats' debate is any indicator, I would not look for too many surprises. Of course, the media can be expected to me more abrasive to our candidates.

This debate should be a test run, as the ones who have something to lose, McCain, Giuliani, and Romney, will play it safe. Hunter, Brownback, Thompson, Gilmore, and Paul need some big points to get their campaigns going. Regardless, there is only one person on stage with more experience, and that is John McCain.

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