Monday, November 10, 2008

Lost but rebuilding - Conservatives regrouping

Obviously there won't be much reason to use this site, I don't believe Senator McCain will have any reason to run again in 2012 for President.

Perhaps Governor Palin (or Senator Palin at that time?)
Or a whole list of other strong Republicans contenders for the leadership.

For now the real challenge becomes learning from the loss:
We got some requests here for advice on how to get involved, start reading the real thinkers listed above, start commenting and engaging, choose a "movement" to get behind and help them with small donations, contact your local county chair and ask to be appointed to a precinct (everyone needs new appointees right now) ... Most of all, talk to the real people in your life about the American Dream and how we can all work to gain it together.

For now, signing off this site, what a fun ride!

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