Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama "change" - his mind at least

According to Gateway Pundit, he was against missile defense when running in primary, but now is for missile defense when he needs to pretend to be pro-defense. So he was against, now he's for? He's so confusing, but really good at speaking.

Friday, September 26, 2008

American Hero faces Community Organizer tonite

GAME ON! Time to debate, then go back to work over the weekend.
Statement By McCain Campaign On Negotiations

ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released the following statement on negotiations:

"John McCain's decision to suspend his campaign was made in the hopes that politics could be set aside to address our economic crisis.

"In response, Americans saw a familiar spectacle in Washington. At a moment of crisis that threatened the economic security of American families, Washington played the blame game rather than work together to find a solution that would avert a collapse of financial markets without squandering hundreds of billions of taxpayers' money to bailout bankers and brokers who bet their fortunes on unsafe lending practices.

"Both parties in both houses of Congress and the administration needed to come together to find a solution that would deserve the trust of the American people. And while there were attempts to do that, much of yesterday was spent fighting over who would get the credit for a deal and who would get the blame for failure. There was no deal or offer yesterday that had a majority of support in Congress. There was no deal yesterday that included adequate protections for the taxpayers. It is not enough to cut deals behind closed doors and then try to force it on the rest of Congress -- especially when it amounts to thousands of dollars for every American family.

"The difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was apparent during the White House meeting yesterday where Barack Obama's priority was political posturing in his opening monologue defending the package as it stands. John McCain listened to all sides so he could help focus the debate on finding a bipartisan resolution that is in the interest of taxpayers and homeowners. The Democratic interests stood together in opposition to an agreement that would accommodate additional taxpayer protections.

"Senator McCain has spent the morning talking to members of the Administration, members of the Senate, and members of the House. He is optimistic that there has been significant progress toward a bipartisan agreement now that there is a framework for all parties to be represented in negotiations, including Representative Blunt as a designated negotiator for House Republicans.

The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the Senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John McCain suspends campaign to return to Senate

The Maverick Strikes Again - Breaking News

Senator John McCain once again struck a chord with regular Americans today when he proclaimed that he would shut down his active campaign, return to Washington, and postpone the Friday debates.

Oh my, Senator Obama was surprised! Of course he was, he's a typical Chicago politician and he's not used to being caught off guard. Obama of course wants to continue the debate and disregard the economic crisis.

You choose

From Gateway: McCain shows leadership and puts COUNTRY FIRST...
Senator John McCain announced today that he wants to delay Friday's debate because of the economic crisis and return to Washington to focus on the nation's financial problems.

Some people lead and some people follow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Viral email - Is Biden out?

The following email is making its rounds over the last couple days:

Let me share some info with you that I have gotten from excellent sources within the DNC: On or about October 5th, Biden will excuse himself from the ticket, citing health problems, and he will be replaced by Hillary. This is timed to occur after the VP debate on 10/2. There have been talks all weekend about how to proceed with this info. generally, the feeling is that we should all go ahead and get it out there to as many blog sites and personal email lists as is possible. I have already seen a few short blurbs about this - the “health problem” cited in those articles was aneurysm. Probably many of you have heard the same rumblings. However, at this point, with this inside info from the DNC, it looks like this Obama strategy will be a go. Therefore, it seems that the best strategy is to get out in front of this Obama maneuver, spell it out in detail, and thereby expose it for the grand manipulation that it is. So, let’s start mixing this one up and cut the Obamites off at the pass - send this info out to as many people as you can - post about it on websites and blogs, etc.

Probably not true, and just a way to get Obama and Biden saying even dumber things. There's no way that Obama could kick Biden off the ticket without ticking off every state and every county in the US that already has ballots getting printed. Does Obama think he messed up and should have chosen Hillary? Probably. Glad he didnt' though, makes winning in 5 weeks a lot easier.

Friday, September 19, 2008

First Women - Now Hispanic Leader Endorses McCain

Barack Obama is suffering the worst month of his entire 18 month campaign for President. Starting with the Olympics (and that horrid Russian invasion) which forced him to choose boring Biden. Sure, he had the momentary blip of his rock-star celebration in Denver ... but alas things began to spiral soon after.

First, the Hillary Clinton supporters just never got onboard, and to this day are still causing Obama trouble. Then the Palin announcement, which took the air out of the entire Obamania movement.

Finally this week prominent Democrats begin lining up, not for Obama, but for the McCain-Palin ticket. I think for some of them the Russian invasion of Georgia, followed closely by the problems in the credit markets and financial instability, and the prominent $4.00 gasoline issue ... all added up to just too much. We need a leader we can trust and that we believe is in it for us, for America.

Perhaps the Obama thing would have been a fun experiment if there weren't so many serious issues and so little ability to see what Barack Obama would actually do.

Today, Hispanic leader and former Clinton supporter endorses ... Senator John McCain for President.

In an interview Thursday, Miguel D. Lausell, a Puerto Rican businessman and longtime Democratic activist and fund-raiser, came out for Sen. McCain. While he said he doesn't agree with all the policy positions of the Republican candidate and his running mate, Sarah Palin, Mr. Lausell added: "I find McCain to be a sound person and a man with a track record. I know where he is coming from." Mr. Lausell had been a major backer of Bill Clinton and served as a senior political adviser to Sen. Clinton's unsuccessful bid this year for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Mr. Lausell said he feels Sen. Obama "doesn't really regard the Hispanic community as important." Sen. Clinton won a large majority of the Hispanic vote in most primaries, and Latino voters are an important bloc in swing states such as Florida, Nevada and New Mexico. Most polls show Sen. Obama leads Sen. McCain among Latinos.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Time to shrink government

For those of you in Indiana who have been following the Kernan Shephard Report campaign to change the size and structure of government, see Stop Governing Like This, you surely are also concerned about the size of the Federal government. Gates of Vienna posted the results from Citizens against Government waste on Senators and their positions on earmarks, earmark reform, and spending.

On this measurement alone, it would be awful hard to support Barack Obama for President, when Senator John McCain stands as one of the key leaders for government reform and elimination of earmarks.

Here’s the roll call, thanks to Citizens Against Government Waste:

Alabama Sessions, J. R 79% 83%
Alabama Shelby R 57% 54%
Alaska Murkowski R 46% 54%
Alaska Stevens R 37% 51%
Arizona Kyl R 94% 93%
Arizona McCain R 100% 88%
Arkansas Lincoln D 6% 19%
Arkansas Pryor D 3% 9%
California Boxer D 3% 12%
California Feinstein D 3% 16%
Colorado Allard R 86% 83%
Colorado Salazar, K. D 3% 16%
Connecticut Dodd D 0% 14%
Connecticut Lieberman I 6% 21%
Delaware Biden D 0% 22%
Delaware Carper D 6% 18%
Florida Martinez R 71% 70%
Florida Nelson, Bill D 9% 18%
Georgia Chambliss R 86% 77%
Georgia Isakson R 79% 81%
Hawaii Akaka D 0% 8%
Hawaii Inouye D 0% 7%

Idaho Craig R 63% 70%
Idaho Crapo R 74% 70%
Illinois Durbin D 3% 8%
Illinois Obama D 10% 18%
Indiana Bayh D 20% 25%
Indiana Lugar R 63% 77%
Iowa Grassley R 71% 75%
Iowa Harkin D 6% 16%
Kansas Brownback R 80% 82%
Kansas Roberts R 57% 67%
Kentucky Bunning R 86% 78%
Kentucky McConnell R 74% 69%
Louisiana Landrieu D 9% 21%
Louisiana Vitter R 74% 66%
Maine Collins R 34% 53%
Maine Snowe R 17% 50%
Maryland Cardin D 3% 3%
Maryland Mikulski D 3% 10%
Massachusetts Kennedy, E. D 3% 16%
Massachusetts Kerry D 6% 23%
Michigan Levin, C. D 0% 21%
Michigan Stabenow D 0% 17%
Minnesota Coleman R 37% 38%
Minnesota Klobuchar D 0% 0%
Mississippi Cochran R 54% 56%
Mississippi Lott R 63% 67%
Missouri Bond R 34% 59%
Missouri McCaskill D 23% 23%
Montana Baucus, M. D 3% 20%
Montana Tester D 9% 9%
Nebraska Hagel R 74% 77%
Nebraska Nelson, Ben D 3% 28%
Nevada Ensign R 97% 92%
Nevada Reid, H. D 0% 18%
New Hampshire Gregg R 77% 80%
New Hampshire Sununu R 89% 89%
New Jersey Lautenberg D 6% 24%
New Jersey Menendez D 3% 9%
New Mexico Bingaman D 3% 21%
New Mexico Domenici R 42% 57%
New York Clinton D 0% 9%
New York Schumer D 3% 11%
North Carolina Burr R 97% 91%
North Carolina Dole R 73% 68%
North Dakota Conrad D 0% 18%
North Dakota Dorgan D 0% 15%
Ohio Brown, S. D 3% 3%
Ohio Voinovich R 38% 65%
Oklahoma Coburn R 91% 94%
Oklahoma Inhofe R 83% 79%
Oregon Smith, G. R 38% 60%
Oregon Wyden D 0% 21%
Pennsylvania Casey D 6% 6%
Pennsylvania Specter R 29% 49%
Rhode Island Reed, J. D 6% 13%
Rhode Island Whitehouse D 6% 6%
South Carolina DeMint R 97% 96%
South Carolina Graham R 87% 84%
South Dakota Johnson, Tim D 0% 12%
South Dakota Thune R 71% 67%
Tennessee Alexander, L. R 57% 72%
Tennessee Corker R 66% 66%
Texas Cornyn R 83% 79%
Texas Hutchison R 63% 67%
Utah Bennett R 60% 64%
Utah Hatch R 62% 66%
Vermont Leahy D 3% 15%
Vermont Sanders I 3% 3%
Virginia Warner R 38% 71%
Virginia Webb D 9% 9%
Washington Cantwell D 6% 19%
Washington Murray D 3% 13%
West Virginia Byrd D 0% 16%
West Virginia Rockefeller D 3% 13%
Wisconsin Feingold D 34% 40%
Wisconsin Kohl D 3% 34%
Wyoming Barrasso R 82% 82%
Wyoming Enzi R 85% 77%
Wyoming Thomas R 78% 78%

Governor Sarah Palin send son to Iraq

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

McCain rising in all the polls

From Ft. Wayne News, who picked it up from: Real Clear Politics

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample McCain (R) Obama (D) Spread
RCP Average 09/05 - 09/07 48.3 45.4 McCain +2.9
ABC News/Wash Post 09/05 - 09/07 LV 49 47 McCain +2
CBS News 09/05 - 09/07 655 RV 46 44 McCain +2
USA Today/Gallup 09/05 - 09/07 823 LV 54 44 McCain +10
CNN 09/05 - 09/07 942 RV 48 48 Tie
Rasmussen Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 3000 LV 48 47 McCain +1
Hotline/FD Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 924 RV 44 44 Tie
Gallup Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 2733 RV 49 44 McCain +5

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Democrat lies and smears against Sarah Palin

Gateway Pundit reports that another blogger (Macranger)has unearthed evidence of an Obama campaign related smear on Sarah Palin, this one very close to Barack himself:

"Two members of Barack of Obama’s campaign, Dick and Sharon Price, created a post today on their “LA Progressive” blog that accuses Sarah Palin of using the name “Sambo” to describe Barack Obama. "

This Congress has skipped town

Much has been written about the Dontgo Movement, challenging the Democrats to let Congress actually accomplish something on oil and gasoline prices.

Now comes this diatribe that basically suggests that this is the Do Nothing Congress, by choice:

"The remarkable side story to this year’s presidential election is how useless this Congress has become. Representative Dr. Michael Burgess of Texas estimates the actual days that the Congress will be in session before the November election is between 10-20 days. Senator Mitch McConnell is disturbed by the number of circuit court judge vacancies there are because Congress refuses to hold confirmation hearings. Dr. Burgess believes the only piece of legislation that may be addressed before this election is the Columbia Free Trade agreement, as the Dems don’t want to see the first possible piece of legislation to go before an Obama presidency to be a free trade agreement, as Senator Obama position on free trade has been muddled.

Differences in positions are part of the deal in Congress, but refusal to work or hold hearings is irresponsible. Speaker Pelosi has refused to hear the House energy bill, which has support with both conservatives and moderates as it takes a ‘do everything’ approach to help produce more energy, reducing gas and oil prices. As Dr. Burgess stated the Democratic leadership does not want to see any new laws passed that might make the Bush administration look good. Therefore, they stick the American people for their own political gain. Last session was known as the ‘Do nothing’ Congress, but as Dr. Burgess pointed out this has been the least effective Congress in recent history, and has taken on the moniker of the ‘Please do something’ Congress.

The 'Please Do Something' Congress"

Source: McCain States Do Nothing Congress

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Howey Poll later today will show tight race in Indiana

Echoing Barack Obama’s comment last April that Indiana could be the “tiebreaker,” his national and Indiana campaign said today the state could decide the presidential race on Nov. 4. “If we were to win every John Kerry state plus Iowa, we’d have 259 Electoral College votes,” said deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand. “Indiana has 11 Electoral College votes. Indiana could put us over the top.”  From:  Howey Politics Indiana

Looks like poll results at 5:15 CDT ... I'll try and update then

Expect to see McCain up by 3-4% and Daniels up by 8-10%.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GOP rallies around Palin after attacks

GOP convention delegates rally behind VP candidate Palin

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Republican convention delegates rallied Monday around presumptive vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin as they made the first day of their gathering a subdued show of sympathy for Hurricane Gustav's victims.

First lady Laura Bush and Cindy McCain, the wife of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, addressed the convention, staying away from partisan politics.

"As we gather in Minnesota, a great storm afflicts our country," Cindy McCain said. "And when one of us is threatened, we are all threatened. As Americans, we all rise to the challenge."

Outside the convention hall, an estimated 8,000 to 10,000 antiwar protesters marched down St. Paul's streets, sometimes smashing windows, blocking roads and tossing bottles. Police used pepper spray to subdue them.

Inside the Xcel Energy Center, the site of the Republican gathering, delegates were eager to promote political unity. It was nearly impossible to find a delegate or Republican official who thought that news about Palin's 17-year-old unmarried daughter's pregnancy had hurt the presidential ticket, and Laura Bush drew loud cheers when she mentioned the Alaska governor's name.