Monday, September 15, 2008

You choose


Greg Swallow said...

Um...lemme see. The president shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed....

I'd pick a lawyer, not someone dumb enough to run afoul of the law like your last doofus.

Anonymous said...

Presidents should be bred in Ivy League schools, like Harvard and Columbia, not the Northern Idaho cosmetology school and the US Naval Academy Special Needs area.

Hrm. John McCain oversaw two crashed ecomonmies and six crashed planes. Wow, you guys have a reall winner.

Hoosiers for John McCain said...

On this point, I can assure you that a majority of Americans agree ... we have far too many lawyers running this country. We need real people, business or moms, military or construction, insurance or entrepreneurs ... we've got enough attorneys to last us a couple decades.

Anonymous said...

There are good ones and bad ones, just like every other profession. This argument should be 'socialist', 'not socialist'. 'Government control over your life', 'Your own control of your life'.