Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama rolls over on Olympics too

Olympic Flip Flop: Obama Sponsors Olympics After Demanding Bush Boycott Same Olympics

(from Gaffe Nation)

This from USA Today:

Democrat Barack Obama took issue Monday with President Bush’s decision to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games, saying he would go to Beijing only if he saw progress between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama.

Of course, giving money to NBC to propagandize his likeness throughout the entire China-hosted games is, I guess, not as harmful as Bush attending the Opening Ceremony. Yeah, right.

This from Advertising Age:

It’s official. Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign will be among the TV sponsors of NBC Universal’s Olympics coverage. In the first significant network-TV buy of any presidential candidate in at least 16 years, the Obama campaign has taken a $5 million package of Olympics spots that includes network TV as well as cable ads.

Question: I wonder if Obama supporters who earlier threatened Olympic sponsors will back off now that the Messiah is one of the “moral cowards?” Just asking.

Comments from Hoosiers for McCain:

Sorry for the long rip off from Gaffe Nation, but the comments and format were nicely done. My thoughts? Of course he's going to advertise, the Olympics will dominate media for the month of August leading up to his convention. Of course this is another hypocrisy, but when you don't really stand for anything and you are sending up trial balloons every day, it's easy to keep changing your mind.

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