Saturday, October 4, 2008

John McCain Online - Join and Engage

A few articles this week were focused on Obama's domination online and in social media. Although the Obama team has done terrific work, and ground breaking at that, much of the fault of this statistic is the supporters of John McCain.

We aren't as enthusiastic, we aren't as engaged. There are 30 days left, if you support McCain-Palin and don't want Obama-Biden as your future leaders ... then this is the time to get active online. Don't postpone again.

Places to get involved:

Go to the Official John McCain and Sarah Palin campaign site. But don't just read the homepage and leave, dig in, there are ways to get involved, ways to get local information, ways to order materials. Spend the time to learn.

Join Twitter and immediately follow @JohnMcCain this Twitter profile will feature all new posts by John McCain's campaign team, and especially great YouTube videos that you can forward to friend and relatives this month by email.

Join Facebook and join these groups for hour by hour updates:

Sarah Palin for Vice President (One Million Strong for Sarah)


McCain/Palin '08 (One Million Strong for the Mavericks)

This obviously is just a start on the list of facebook groups, If I had to guess I'd say there are ovr 200 facebook groups in support of John McCain's Presidency.

Ok, it's a start. Now if you look down the right hand side of this blog, you'll see a huge and growing list of over 200 private blogs that support John McCain. Go on a few today, and then instead of just reading the posts, leave a comment supporting McCain. The comments will help the blogger rank better on google and will help create the conversations needed to bring conservatives into the 21st Century.

We'll post more tomorrow, leave a comment if you've decided to follow the steps today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just a little to late, don't you think? Obama started the online effort more than a year ago and his policies are in agreement with most of the younger, more tech. oriented, generation. Oh well, better late than never. Good luck!